「IC Layout」找工作職缺-2021年7月 | 全台第三方支付網
台中市后里區 經歷不拘 大學Qualifications: Looking for a detail oriented ATE Test Engineer who is a self-starter and thrives in an independent work environment. We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced test engineer to develop cost effective production tests for our SSD controllers using modern and cost effective ATE platforms. The candidate should have hands on experience in debugging silicon and must be proficient with ATE test methodology concepts, ATE program and HW development, product characterization, experience supporting high volume production at offshore CMs, and knowledgeable with silicon qualification test development and support. Engineers inquiring about this position should be experienced in all aspects of SOC enablement, including correlation of ATE to bench results, ability to work with SOC design/validation team to resolve DPM ...
IC佈局工程師薪資比較 | 全台第三方支付網
IC佈局工程師 | 全台第三方支付網
PCB | 全台第三方支付網
Re: [討論] IC layout 年薪輕易破百萬CP值超高 | 全台第三方支付網
「IC Layout」找工作職缺-2021年7月 | 全台第三方支付網
IC佈局工程師證照、薪水行情、職務必備條件 | 全台第三方支付網
IC佈局工程師薪水&加班狀況 | 全台第三方支付網
[請益] IC Layout 未來出路 | 全台第三方支付網